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Eli has taught workshops, retreats, and worked with clients internationally since 2005,
working with thousands of people across the USA, Europe, and Asia.

Every man has the capacity to cultivate:

A depth of presence that commands and quiets a room.

A clear confidence with heartful structure and passionate depth.

A conscious engagement with purpose that honors both doing and being.

An embodied wildness that transcends the walls of a home and the constraints of a busy schedule.

We are taught to achieve outward "success" ... but no matter how well you do, eventually you'll reach a point where something is still missing, where all that you have achieved is simply not enough.

Reclaiming what is missing requires commitment to a new journey, a deeper exploration than most men are willing or able to make on their own.

I lead groups and individuals on this journey: into your core being where pristine presence, powerful passion, and true purpose naturally arise from source.

Zion - Ecstatic Heart, Sensual Soul


ALCHEMY OF LOVE is a 3-month deep dive mentorship, an invitation into sacred intimacy as a spiritual practice, a space to transform the habitual patterns of closure, and instead practice turning towards love and life, OPEN and AWAKE!

ALCHEMY OF LOVE is oriented towards cultivating the spirit and the skills of embodied intimacy. The program is for anyone who is moved to enter deep practice with yourself and with a partner, expanding your capacity in love, intimacy, awareness, relationship, sex, and beyond.

ALCHEMY OF LOVE is a container to cultivate or re-awaken your passion, direction, and artistry in intimacy. The group field is alchemical and deep. A safe and sane place to practice opening, whether you're in partnership or single.


The Dojo engages Eli's 20+ years of experience working with men all over the globe and will cover a wide spectrum of training. From weekly teaching sessions, partnered break-out-room practices, and individual assignments to learning potent martial art forms, depth meditations, and embodied presence practices. All in the service of developing each man's capacity to meet the world and his life with a refined sense of precision, courage, and depth.
The Dojo is not an outward fix.
It’s an inside orientation towards dynamic engagement and fine-tuned presence with each moment.

MAY 13-20TH

When a man is unwilling to move out of his comfort zone, breathe, and step into life:

He becomes but a husk of the fine-tuned & powerful embodiment that he was born to be.
His capacity to face the real-time risks of a bold life weakens. Wildness wanes.
His ability to stand strong and love through the challenges of intimate relationships is diminished.

Are you ready to connect more deeply to your inherent source, power, and wisdom
To train with spacious intensity alongside other good men at their edge?


Eli offers a meticulously crafted and heartfully held container to inspire, clarify, cultivate, and deepen your practice, purpose, and embodied dedication in life. You will be met with over two decades of experience in the field while being guided through a dynamic practice container tailored to serve your unique gifts & challenges.


Cultivating Vitality, Meaning, and Depth Amidst a Busy, Modern World

You are born with a certain amount of life force which you can either be skillful and precise at working with, or squander, numb, and avoid. Few men take the courageous leap to train their full life force, and become adept at working with it, beyond their careers, chosen entertainments, and the fading external body, but instead cultivating that life force as the currency of their very existence.

What past particpents and clients have to say about working with Eli:

"Working with Eli is like grasping onto a zipline into depth, an exploration of my inner nature as the hair on my head is blown about by the speed at which I move through my inner experience while the thrill of self-discovery ensues. His teachings are framed up in a way that invite in a sense of limitless contemplation and are expressed through a fundamentally trustable and coherent embodiment. The summation of which creates an approachability that enables me to meet myself exactly where I am while I tap into my deepest available potential."

- James Eshleman, Psychedelic Guide & Men's Work, CO


“If I can say only one thing, it would be this - I guarantee that you will not regret, nor ever forget, your time spent with Eli. He creates a strong and powerful container of trust and honesty for the group to step into and from which you are gently but clearly directed into exploring hidden parts of yourself. He skillfully combines the elements of nature with practices which support you into developing your masculine edge, wherever this may be. You fall into respect for the many like-minded men who you share time with, some of whom you likely develop life-long friendships with.”

- Jon Macdonald, Executive Coach, UK

"Eli’s presence and teachings are the missing link for men today. Through my work with him, I’ve found a deeper sense of understanding myself,how I relate to world, and how I carry myself in it."

- Kenneth Borg, Executive Coach, CA


"I feel exhausted and awake. I feel more myself than I ever have. And I feel fucking unstoppable. Thank you."
- Ryan Junee, CEO, CA

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