Either orienting towards a life in a hamster wheel of numbing your essential being, while clawing for happiness, success, money, comforts, and thrills, that come and go…
Or orienting towards the cultivation of a force of rooted presence that faces, honors, and navigates the constant changes of all facets of life, with strength, reverence, and clarity.
As you deepen beyond the surface, you come to know a truer source of being, you meet your shadows and your fears, and you find the strength to turn towards all of it, realizing that those same forces are the fuel for your greatest gifts.
You cultivate a warrior’s heart to face all things with courage, openness, vulnerability, and depth. This re-orientation comes with practice and it immediately impacts your work, your family, your finances, your health, your sex life, your intimacy, and the larger vision of your life in the world.